Date of birth: March 24 1968
Place of birth: Oradea
Phone No.: +40-748-195-626
E-mail: romigozner@golddragon.ro
Specialized studies:
1991 – Graduated as Wushu instructor in Bucharest – F.R.A.M.
1994-1995 – Graduated as Wushu coach in Bucharest – F.R.A.M.
2004 – Graduated the Physical Education and Sport Faculty of the University of Oradea.
Special awards, degrees:
In 1994 – The Romanian National Championships, the special prize for best coach.
In 1995 – The Romanian National Championships, special prize for the best coach and technician.
In 2003 – Special Award “Thanks for helping to promote and support Wushu in Romania”.
In 2008 – Degree certification of black belt, 6th Dan.
Practiced sports:
From the age of 6 – Tennis.
From the age of 14 – Boxing, Karate.
From 1982 – Becomes the team component of Kung-Fu (Wushu) driven by Iancu Nicolae, where he remains a constant and faithful practitioner of this team and especially this branch.
1987 – Appointed instructor.
1988 – Appointed instructor of a separate group.
Since 1989-1990 – Starts to study specific training program on Wushu Chang Quan branches and Xanda (Sanshou); does not waive the traditional sides of Kung-Fu, Shaolin and Qinna, being particularly interested in Nordic school styles.
In 1996 – Founder and President of the Foundation “Gold Dragon Style”.
In 2001 – Founder and President of Sports Association “Gold Dragon” where he works until this day.
Other activities:
Between 1987-1995 – Tennis coach at “Sănătatea”.
Between 1997-2000 – Coordinated and conducted security and protection system from two large companies in Oradea.
From 2000 – Led and coordinated specific combat and self-defense to Rapid Intervention Squad and Special Actions of the Police Inspectorate of Bihor County.
Between 2005-2006 – Sports professor at Nojorid school. Sports teacher and class master at Les school.
More about me: married, two children, lover of mountains in all seasons, I love animals, especially dogs (dog breed German), horses, dolphins, birds, and I have a big family, “Gold Dragon”.
Virtue is not of those who in good times know how to keep their head up and boast their dignity and strength. Virtue is for those who in times of suffering and pain are evidence of faith, perseverance and verticality by experience, facts and character. Ultimately we are nothing but the sum of facts, actions and our feelings, they define us!
R. G.
Freedom is not doing what you want but to have the possibility to do whatever you want! If freedom is not listening to the voice of conscience it may turn against humanity!
St. Pope John Paul II
Without God man remains a poor speaker a rational animal, who comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere.
Petre Ţuţea – Philosopher
The first sip from the glass of natural sciences makes you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.
Werner Heisenberg – Physicist